Roleplay - Slah'ke: Our War Part 1:
Written by Adeptprophet of the Union.
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Preview of Chapter XIV


Adept: I is angry!

Narses: aaaahhhhhh! get him away from me!

PhantomGODess: Adept calm do- nonononono! leave me be!

Bob: what the? *leaves room*

Narses : Adept... put the genus down.

Inferno: Oh god. he's done it again

SPQR: Adept! put the stuffed animal down!

Machinehr: This is too good to be true.


Walt: please put him down.

Adept *roooooooooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!*

Narses: No! nononono! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Adeptprophet: Well it seems Adept is on the loose...again... sorry for that Narses!

Narses: just make him stop!

Greeny: shut up! I cant get any sleep in here now .

Adeptprophet: it was your choice to sleep there

Greeny:*pulls out disintegrator*

Adeptprophet: Agreed.

Tune in next time for Slah'ke: Our War for Chapter 14!!!!!!!!!!!!

Up coming, Machinehr makes decisions the Terrans do not understand. The Brood finally make their big push against the remaining Coalition races, Or maybe the Orfine warriors may come to the aid of the Terran Empire. SPQR and Adept know what is to be done from now on. The Kolari John A. Howard plots his climatic scheme to take over Marcs regime of the Kolari. As Machinehr starts to think of a successor to the Throne of Slah'ke power, and possibly think of the ritual known as Slah'kai. The ultimate ascension to the hierarchs in the Heavens above. But what are the Matrix up to all this time?

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