Roleplay - The Empire Strikes Out:
Written by Greeny of the Terran Empire.
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Note from the writer

This RP is not serious. Whilst looking back at some of the older and less well known RP's to help me improve TPR i read dosens of them, and felt compelled to write this parody. There arent many named characters in it yet, because i didnt want to offend anyone, but if you are one of the ones I included and you dont want to be there then just PM me and i will take you out.

Anyway, remember that this is just abit of fun, it is not serious. And it probably won't be very long either.

Chapter 1

Walt looked down at his view screen. The Terran fleet comprised of over seven hundred ships, most of them 'Invincible' Classes. Walt's comprised of just under fifty Death-Helix's. But he knew he would win.
"Bring the shields to maximum," He ordered, in a Booming voice that filled the room, bringing fear to his enemies but instilling a great sense of hope in his friends "and tell the fleet to prepare a volley of torpedoes."
"Aye Sir" Called a young but unrealistically strong and intelligent Genus from the command console a few meters to Walt's left.
"Fire!" Walt said, calmly as he leant back in his chair slightly.
"Torpedoes away Sir" Said the Genus Commander. Walt continued to watch his tactical screen, several of the golden eagles representing the Terrans winked out of existence.
"Ninety four Terran ships have been destroyed Sir." Said the Genus.
"Excellent Commander Darius" Said Walt, standing up. "Now let's finish them shall we?"
"Aye Sir" Said Darius as he turned back to his view screen.

"What are we going to do Sir?" Screamed a Terran Ensign "Our weapons are useless, our shields can't even stand up to a single hit!"
"Duhhhh, I dunno." Said Narses. His eyes seemed to be constantly popping out of his head, and his mouth constantly hung wide open. "Maybe we should try to contact the National Organisation Of Battle's, after all, they do control this race."
"I will get them on the communicator Prime Minister." Said the Ensign, flinching as Narses turned around.
"Good idea!" Said Narses, surprised, as if none but the most amazingly tactical geniuses could have come up with such a brilliant plan.

"Oh my god, so you mean that you outnumber them but you are still losing?" Said Greeny, in his usual manor of saying each word like it was an individual sentence.
"Yes Emperor" Said Narses, he leant forewords in his chair and knocked a data pad off of its arm, everyone on both ends of the communication jumped and several dived under the nearest table, it took a few seconds for them to return to their seats.
"I am sorry, Narses, I am not sure that I understand you. Let's go over it again, you outnumber them?"
"Yes Sir."
"But you are losing?"
"Yes Sir."
"You outnumber them," Greeny said again, Narses nodded "But you are losing?"
"Yes Sir."
"You outnumber them.But you are losing" Greeny's face went very pale. "Have you tried plan B?" He asked.
"Yes Sir, we have sent each ship in individually to try and kill them, but they are always quickly destroyed."
On the other end of the line Greeny sat speechless, several of the councillors around him vomited and one on Greeny's far right drew a bolt pistol and shot herself.
"Then all you can do is run Prime Minister." Greeny said as the communication blinked and shut off.

"Sir, all that is left is Narses' Ship, The AgueCheek." Said Commander Darius, smiling.
"Excellent work people!" Said Walt into the communicator. "Yet another casualty-less victory. Now, prepare a boarding party and let's capture that ship. Three of us should be enough."

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no." Rambled a lieutenant as he ran around in circles on the bridge, waving his arms around in the air.
Narses was flown to the floor by an explosion, he crawled under his command console and hugged one of its legs.
"Sir," Screamed an Ensign from under another console, "They have boarded us!"

"Draw your weapons!" Ordered Narses, as the Genus burst through the door. There were only three of them, each wore an identical loincloth and was armed with nothing but a sword, the Terrans stood no chance. Their shots went wide and several of them shot each other by accident. Narses drew his pistol, he took aim at the closest Genus and pulled the trigger.

The three Genus stood triumphantly on the command deck of Narses' ship. Each was visibly trying to stifle their laughter.
"What is it?" Walt said with a smile, he had always allowed his people to have a laugh whilst on missions, it boosted morale.
"Sorry Sir" Said the Genus standing in the centre, he composed himself. "We boarded the ship, and captured it as you commanded. But when we got to the command deck," He looked away as a smile blossomed on his face "As we got to the command deck the pitiful Terrans tried to stage some resistance, we didn't even have to move, they all killed each other before we could blink. And it seems that the Prime Ministers weapon," The other two Genus were laughing so hard that they were having trouble standing. The talking man cleared his throat and continued "And it seems that the Prime Ministers weapon blew up in his hand." Walt laughed loudly as the three Genus on the command deck collapsed in fits of laughter and started rolling on the floor.

Greeny stood up and marched out the door. "Get my ship ready" he ordered.
"Aye Sir." Said some random Terran who happened to be there at the time.
"And order the Fleet to get ready for take off. Even this 'Walt' cannot stand up to the might of seven thousand ''Invincibles'. MUHAHAHAHAHA"

"Set course for Earth" Walt said to Darius.
"But Sir, what about the Mars defence net?" Darius asked, already inputting the coordinates.
"Good question, but don't worry about that, we will mysteriously bypass it even though no one has ever mentioned that you can do that before." Walt replied, returning to his seat.
"Excellent plan Sir." Said Darius smiling.
"Thank you Commander." Walt replied.



Next Chapter-->

