Government Systems:

Choose a government from the following list:





Or choose by Race:


.Terran Empire








Government: Collective


. Hive
. Matrix


Command Skill: 120
Special: None
Council seats: Unlimited
A Collective is a government system in which the Council consists of all players that have reached the required 120 Command Skill. This means that there is no way to separate those that are really capable from those that wish to do your Race harm from within.

The moment a player reaches the level of 120 Command Skill, he or she will automatically become a Councilour, without anyone being able to stop that.

The Councilour can now post Motions, on which the rest of the Council can vote in order to pass or reject the Motion. The amount of required votes is stated between brackets behind the Motion after it has been posted. Motions are posted on the Clan-page, and are for all people within the faction visible.

The great vulnerability of the Collective lies into the fact that basically, taking in account the required Command Skill, anyone can become part of the government. Thereby this particular government system is especially hard to control by those that mean the Race well, and shield the Race from being governed by those that wish to do harm.

Collective governments are known to be massive in their amount of councilours, which can pose a problem when it comes to quick decision-making. It has been said that the largest Collective government had up to 35 Councilours. One can imagine the challenge it poses to keep that government functioning.

  Motion: Effect:
. Declare War Chosen Race cannot access your planets and bases. Most hostile setting possible.
Cease Fire Denies the chosen Race access to your planets.
Alliance Chosen Race has full access to your planets and bases.
Trade Embargo Chosen Race can't access your planets and bases.
Pay Faction Pays credits to the chosen Race.
Pay Player Pays credits to the chosen player.
Buy Ship Allows you to buy a ship for the chosen player.
Confer Title Allows you to replace a players standard title.
Abandon Planet Relinquishes your claim on the chosen planet.
Outlaw Makes the chosen player a Pirate.
Tax Rate Sets the tax rate for mineral sales.
MOTD Sets the "Message Of The Day" at login.

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Government: Democracy


. Federation
. Nexus


Command Skill: 120
Special: Election Votes
Council seats: 8

A Democracy is a government system in which the Council is directly elected by the people of the Race.

As a member of the Faction, you are able to cast your Vote of Election on the Clanpage. You are only allowed to Vote for a single Councilour at the time, but you are able to change your Vote if you desire to. When an eligible player receives enough Votes, he or she will be given a seat on the Council.

The Councilour can now post Motions, on which the rest of the Council can vote in order to pass or reject the Motion. The amount of required votes is stated between brackets behind the Motion after it has been posted. Motions are posted on the Clan-page, and are for all people within the faction visible.

If all the Council seats are occupied and another player wishes to become part of Council, then that player will need more Votes then the Councilor with the least support in order to gain his Council seat.

If you are the only player in your Race with the needed 120 Command-skill, you will automatically become a Councilour, so that your Race is not without an active government.

  Motion: Effect:
. Declare War Chosen Race cannot access your planets and bases. Most hostile setting possible.
Cease Fire Denies the chosen Race access to your planets.
Alliance Chosen Race has full access to your planets and bases.
Trade Embargo Chosen Race can't access your planets and bases.
Pay Faction Pays credits to the chosen Race.
Pay Player Pays credits to the chosen player.
Buy Ship Allows you to buy a ship for the chosen player.
Confer Title Allows you to replace a players standard title.
Abandon Planet Relinquishes your claim on the chosen planet.
Outlaw Makes the chosen player a Pirate.
Tax Rate Sets the tax rate for mineral sales.
MOTD Sets the "Message Of The Day" at login.

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Government: Dictatorship


. Genus
. Union


Command Skill: 120
Special: Appointment & Installment of Dictator
Council seats: 3 & 1 Dictator

A Dictatorship is a government system in which the Council consists out of 1 Dictator and 3 Councilours. 

To gain the status of Councilour, one requires to reach the required level of Command Skill. If you are the first one, or in case that you possess the highest Command Skill of all the members of your Race, you will automatically become the Dictator, and you will be able to select your Council from the members of your Race. For them it is at that moment not required to have the required Command Skill.

The Councilors can now post Motions, on which the rest of the Council can vote in order to pass or reject the Motion. The amount of required votes is stated between brackets behind the Motion after it has been posted. The Dictator can force the passing or rejection of a Motion with his vote. Motions are posted on the Clan-page, and are for all people within the faction visible.

Overthrowing a Dictator is done by Installing a different member of your Race as the Dictator. Be warned, the Dictator can be overthrown as easy as he can be Installed, since that particular Motion only requires two votes.

Council Motions
. Declare War Chosen Race cannot access your planets and bases. Most hostile setting possible.
Cease Fire Denies the chosen Race access to your planets.
Alliance Chosen Race has full access to your planets and bases.
Trade Embargo Chosen Race can't access your planets and bases.
Pay Faction Pays credits to the chosen Race.
Pay Player Pays credits to the chosen player.
Buy Ship Allows you to buy a ship for the chosen player.
Confer Title Allows you to replace a players standard title.
Abandon Planet Relinquishes your claim on the chosen planet.
Outlaw Makes the chosen player a Pirate.
Tax Rate Sets the tax rate for mineral sales
MOTD Sets the "Message Of The Day" at login.
Install Dictator Allows you to install a new Dictator.
Dictator Motions
. Declare War Chosen Race cannot access your planets and bases. Most hostile setting possible.
Cease Fire Denies the chosen Race access to your planets.
Alliance Chosen Race has full access to your planets and bases.
Trade Embargo Chosen Race can't access your planets and bases.
Pay Faction Pays credits to the chosen Race.
Pay Player Pays credits to the chosen player.
Buy Ship Allows you to buy a ship for the chosen player.
Confer Title Allows you to replace a players standard title.
Abandon Planet Relinquishes your claim on the chosen planet.
Outlaw Makes the chosen player a Pirate.
Tax Rate Sets the tax rate for mineral sales.
MOTD Sets the "Message Of The Day" at login.
Appoint Appoint the chosen Councilor.
Dismiss Dismiss the chosen Councilor.

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Government: Empire


. Alliance
. Terran Empire


Command Skill: 120
Special: Appointment
Council seats: Unlimited
An Empire is a government system in which the Council is appointed by the Councilours themselves.

Council is able to appoint itself from the group of eligible players. The people of the Race have essentially no influence upon who becomes part of their Council. The Council generally appoints a leader from within. Experience has taught us that in most cases the appointment of leadership is done by election. This newly appointed leader gets by tradition and custom a specific title ("Emperor" for the Terran Empire and "Orfine Leader" for the Alliance)

The Councilour can, after the appointment begin to post Motions, on which the rest of the Council can vote in order to pass or reject the Motion. The amount of required votes is stated between brackets behind the Motion after it has been posted. Motions are posted on the Clan-page, and are for all people within the faction visible.

The Empire government system is, like the Collective, characterized by an unlimited amount of council seats. It has been known to happen that an Empire-type government consisted out of up to 24 Councilours, which can pose problems when it comes to making decisions. This is a clear disadvantage over other systems.

If you are the only player in your Race with the needed 120 Command-skill, you will automatically become a Councilour, so that your Race is not without an active government.

. Declare War Chosen Race cannot access your planets and bases. Most hostile setting possible.
Cease Fire Denies the chosen Race access to your planets.
Alliance Chosen Race has full access to your planets and bases.
Trade Embargo Chosen Race can't access your planets and bases.
Pay Faction Pays credits to the chosen Race.
Pay Player Pays credits to the chosen player.
Buy Ship Allows you to buy a ship for the chosen player.
Confer Title Allows you to replace a players standard title.
Abandon Planet Relinquishes your claim on the chosen planet.
Outlaw Makes the chosen player a Pirate.
Tax Rate Sets the tax rate for mineral sales.
MOTD Sets the "Message Of The Day" at login.
Appoint Appoint the chosen Councilor.
Dismiss Dismiss the chosen Councilor.

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